The proliferation of cheap applications on the AppStore is stifling innovation and holding Apple’s mobile touch platform back from realizing its true potential, think developers and companies developing quality mobile softwares.
The question became more obvious with the letter from Craig Hockenberry ( Iconfactory) to Steve Job : http://furbo.org/2008/12/09/ring-tone-apps/
The Apps Store and the iPhone 3rd Party Platform as a whole is barely 22 weeks old. And it's success is staggering. I can't think of any other computing platform (or any media platform for that matter) that has created over 10,000 totally new pieces of content in it's first 150 days. 150 days!!!
25 million iPhones and Touches out there at the moment, that will likely double in a few months, and a few months later too.
But I think it's becoming obvious that something needs to change with the way apps are listed and browsed in the store, as well, I think the business model of the app store is hitting an inflection point.
Apple could introduce more varieties of lists, we've seen them all in other places, fastest movers, most viewed. Apple's headings aren't clear, I presume 'Top' means most downloaded (in the last 24 hours, week?). I'm rather less clear about 'What's Hot' is.
I think so many people are jumping into I phone application development after having heard about that guy who made $250K with a casual puzzle game...but I think that about 80% of them will provide garbage applications that even free I won't pay for it.
With almost 10,000 apps in the App Store, and maybe 20 new apps per day, there's no nice way to give attention to all of those apps!
If you make an iPhone app, I suggest to prepare you to make less than $1000 on your app, for the lifetime of your app , even if you have a few developers and designers working on your app.
I really think that iPhone got a real potential that Apple must preserve, so, it may got to study and reorganize the pertinence of the App store, that will keep on growing...
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